Monday, November 05, 2007


Yesterday I unconsciously recreated the meal I'd written about for our real life dinner...WTF?

It wasn't until I was chomping down on a pickle that I realized what I had done.

I'm on target for 50,000. Would like to get to 60,000 if I can, but I'll be happy making fifty.

Friday, November 02, 2007

Day One NaNoWriMo

I've got a word count of 1690. Of course, at 6:00 p.m. EST I could not log on to the NaNo website to post my word count.

I intended to write to 2,000 but it was getting late and was time to make supper.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

November 1st

In an interesting twist, I have decided that all my thoughts, jottings, and plotting that I have done in the month of October need to be saved for another day. On Tuesday I realized that I had far too much invested in my characters to use them for NaNoWriMo and that I needed a fresh start.

Luckily as I was driving down the road an opening line came to me. And there standing before me was a newborn character all shiny and ready for action. While waiting at my neighborhood pizza joint last night, two of her rules for living came to me out of the blue.

I am all set to jump into a convertible with this woman and head off down Highway 1.